www.gusucode.com > ASP 在线数据库在线管理工具db007 V1.5 > ASP 在线数据库在线管理工具db007 V1.5\程序说明.txt

通过视图界面方式在线操作ACCESS ,浏览所有表、视图、存储过程;插入新表,修改表名,动态插入、修改、删除字段;自由执行SQL查询语句,支持多条SQl语句同时执行,支持标准SQl注释;插入、浏览、修改、删除表记录,方便快捷。


To view the interface way online access, sql database
Through the view interface mode online operation ACCESS, browse all the tables, views, stored procedures; insert a new table, modify the table name, dynamically insert, modify, delete the field; free implementation of SQL query, support multiple SQl statements at the same time, support standard SQl Comment; insert, browse, modify, delete table records, convenient and quick.

The version of the revised field name and table name, modify the export data to SQL several problems, optimize the implementation of SQL.
Author: Guan Shijie